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发布时间:2020-10-18 15:11:39 阅读: 来源:扣板厂家



湖北农业信息网讯:意大利南部一所大学的一个研究中心研发出了一种通过部分使用或者完全使用核桃油替代葵花籽油生产的蛋黄酱,这种蛋黄酱富含Omega–3和Omega–6脂肪酸。它既有传统蛋黄酱的软和又有地道的核桃油。  这个研究小组寻求经济及工业合作伙伴签订技术协议并且利用这一现成的技术(许可证协议)。  必需脂肪酸Omega 3 和 6 属于生物活性的食物成分,能够提高身体健康状况和心理健康状况,减少心血管疾病的风险。脂肪酸往往来源于各种由不同食物组成的平衡的饮食,比如干果。  在市场上可以找到许多含有这类营养成分的产品,包括面包、意大利面条、牛奶、饼干、婴儿食品、蛋、早餐麦片粥,等等。在本文中有一种蛋黄酱是以创新的方法生产,其原料通过部分使用或者完全使用核桃油替代葵花籽油生产的蛋黄酱。经科学测验,有些食品和食品成分具有生理和心理方面的有利效果,而不仅仅提供基本的营养成分。  通过部分使用或者完全使用核桃油替代葵花籽油生产的蛋黄酱。  一种创新的酱油,既有传统蛋黄酱的软和又有地道的核桃油。  为了避免破坏这些重要物质,通过低温压榨从核桃中提取出来的油含有优质自然的必需脂肪酸Omega 3和6。事实上,100毫升油中大约有12.3克必需脂肪酸,比率为3/6。 需要注意的是,要充分利用必需脂肪酸的功效,需要按照3/6的比例进行食用。  原型阶段已经完成。这种创新型蛋黄酱的生产可行性已经通过感官特性和仪器得到评估。具体操作方法包括动态机械流变测试,使用扫描电子显微镜 观察微结构,通过pH进行色度分析、酸性测定,和计算从生产的蛋黄酱中提取的脂质的过氧化物数量和脂肪酸构成。  我们采用《消费者科学》上的两种方法对客户意见进行了测试,先是小组访谈,然后是消费者测试。对产品的保质期进行了90天的监测。  必需脂肪酸Omega 3 和 6 指的是生物活性的食物成分,能够提高身体健康状况和心理健康状况,减少心血管疾病的风险。 电 话:027-87665256.027-87661989 传 真:027-87665256 邮 箱:958972588@qq.com Title: Innovation Mayonnaise Abstract: A research center at the University of the southern Italy has developed a mayonnaise made with sunflower oil partially or totally replaced by walnut oil rich in omega 3 and 6. An innovative sauce that combines the softness of the classic mayonnaise at the originality of the walnut oil. The group seeks financial and industrial partners to start technical agreements and to exploit the existing know-how . Description: Among the biologically active food components and the potential to improve the physical and mental wellbeing reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease there are essential fatty acids . Omega 3 and 6. They are usually provided by a varied and balanced diet, consisting of numerous varieties of foods, such as dried fruit. Currently, many food companies have created and marketed foods made functional by adding, in their formulation of essential fatty acids. Within the market you can find several products containing these nutrients, including bread, pasta, milk, biscuits, baby food, eggs, cereal for breakfast, and more. In this context there is a mayonnaise, the innovative functional made by sunflower oil partially or totally replaced by walnut oil . There are some foods and food components, scientifically tested, which have beneficial effects, physiological and psychological, and go beyond the provision of basic nutrients. Innovations and advantages of the offer A mayonnaise produced with sunflower oil partially or totally replaced by walnut oil . An innovative sauce that combines the softness of the classic mayonnaise at the originality of the walnut oil. The oil extracted from the nut through a process of cold pressing, which is necessary to avoid disruption of these important substances, is an excellent natural source of essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6, in fact in 100ml of oil are about 12, 3 g of EFA in 3/6 ratio of 4.6. It should be noted that to make the most of their functions, essential fatty acids must be fed through the power in a relationship 3/6 The prototyping phase has been completed. The manufacturing feasibility of this innovative mayonnaise has been evaluated through a sensory characterization and instrumental, obtained by dynamic mechanical rheological tests, observation of the microstructure using scanning electron microscopy, and colorimetric analysis of pH, determination of acidity, number of peroxides and fatty acid composition of the lipid matrix extracted from mayonnaise produced. Customers’ consensus has been tested using the two methods of Consumer Science that is Focus, group interviews and then the consumer tests. The shelf life of the product has been monitoring for 90 days. Among the biologically active food components and the potential to improve the physical and mental wellbeing and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease are referred to as essential fatty acids . Omega 3 and 6. List of Keywords Technology Technologies for the food industry Food Additives/Ingredients/Functional Food Food Technology Food quality and safety Detection and Analysis methods Market Food and Beverages Food supplements/vitamins General food products Further Information Acceptability by consumers was assessed using the two methods of making and that of the Consumer Science Focus group interviews and then the consumer tests. Current Stage of Development Development phase - Laboratory tested Exploitation of RTD Results Others Intellectual Property Rights Others Comments Do not exist on the market of seasoning sauces with the same functional characteristics and sensory Collaboration Type License Agreement Financial Resources Joint further development Adaptation to specific needs Comments - Type of partner sought: Enterprises, research centres - Specific area of activity of the partner: Agrofood, - Task to be performed by the partner sought: Exploitation of the technology all over Europe Development and adoption of further applications phone: 027-87665256.027-87661989 fax: 027-87665256 e-maill:958972588@qq.com




